Langsung saja monggo di eksekusi JellyPOP_ROM untuk galaxy core duos GT-I8262. <<< JellyPOP_ROM >>> Features 1. Rooted 2. Zip-aligned & Signed 3. Init.d Support 4. Lollipop themes framework 5. BootAnim Lollipop 6. Fast Smooth & Performance. 7. Nova Launcher as default. 8. Removed all Touchwizz Contents and disabled preload apps on boot. 9. StatusBar full transparent 10. SystemUI Style Lollipop 11. Settings Style themes White 12. Messagers Style themes white 13. Lollipop Keyboard 14. Seeder Full Style to Lollipop and Material Design Themes Intructions 1. Download 2. Simpan di internal atau external sdcard 3. Masuk recovery [twrp atau cwm] 4. Silahkan Wipe options # Wipe Data,Cache and Dalv...
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